Where is my content?

Logged into Ingage with nothing to present? It might be one of the following issues.

You are no longer a member of a Company

While managing members of your Company, an account Admin may have removed you from the account. Reach out to your account Admin.

This article may come in handy as they reinstate your account: Managing Users and Roles

You are a member of a Company, but you haven't been added to any Teams

Your account Admin added you to Ingage, but may have forgotten to grant you access to a Team. Reach out to your account Admin.

This article may come in handy as they add you to a Team: Managing Team Memberships

You are on a Team, but the Team has no content

Teams operate like folders of content, and help your account Admin grant you access to all the content you need, and none that you don't. Reach out to your account Admin.

This article may come in handy as they manage content in the account: Sharing Content in the Library