Setting a Session Inactivity Timer

Ingage supports training initiatives and coaching opportunities with detailed analytics at the Session level. Help your users keep reports clean by cueing a new session after a period of inactivity.

To enable a Session Inactivity Timer:

  1. As an Admin, select Manage in the left sidebar of the Ingage App, or login to
  2. In the left sidebar click Manage
  3. Select Company from the expanded menu
  4. Select Settings at the top of the page
  5. Check the box next to Enable Inactivity Reminder
  6. Set a Maximum Inactivity based on the expected length of an average sales conversation, maybe 30 - 60 min
  7. Optional add an Alert Message giving more details to your users when receiving this notification

Enabling a Session Inactivity Timer will present your users with a "Would you like to start a new session?" message after whatever time period you set. We suggest setting this for a period of time congruent with how your sales calls are scheduled.