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The Ingage PriceKit includes the Price Presentation Page: a configurable HTML page for presenting price in the home. Parameters can be adjusted to accommodate your sales process and customized to suit the payment plans you offer.


Adding the Price Presentation Page to Your Content
Configuring the Price Presentation Page
Presenting Price with the Price Presentation Page

Adding the Price Presentation Page to Your Content

Your Price Presentation Page will come in the PriceKit Template Pack installed from the Ingage Marketplace. Within the PriceKit will be a few versions of the same tool, configured differently to inspire you as you decide the best way to present price for your business.

To add the Price Presentation Page to your Ingage presentation:

  1. From the Storyboard, add a page to your Ingage presentation
  2. On the left sidebar, select the Price Conditioning Tool template pack
  3. Select the Price Presentation Page that you would like to configure
  4. Double click the selected page or click Add Page in the upper right corner to add the page to your presentation

Configuring the Price Presentation Page

When in Edit Mode on the page, you have access to the configuration layer.

The menu bar at the top of the configuration layer includes tabs for editing General settings, Discounts, Financing options, and Offers.

To preview how the Price Presentation Page will appear within your presentation when shown in-home, click the Play button in the upper right corner.


Page Name
The Page Name entered in this field will display in the upper left corner of the page

Price Inputs
Selecting Project will generate one field to enter total project cost during presentation
Selecting Product & Labor will generate two fields during presentation so you can break down project costs and discounts by product cost and labor/installation cost


Discount Strategy
Selecting Stacked will add the discounts together before applying them to the total cost
If you discounted $1000 by 10% and 5% by Stacking, your customer would now receive a 15% discount:
Original: $1000
With 10% and 5% Stacked Discounts: $850
Selecting Progressive will apply discounts one at a time
If you discounted $1000 by 10% then by 5% Progressively it would look like: 
Original: $1000
With 10% Discount: $900
With Additional 5% Discount: $855

Max Discount % for Project
When this is turned on a field allows you to set the max discount for the Project total, any discount over the max will be displayed in red on the Presentation layer
When this is turned off your reps can enter a discount in any amount for the Project total

Max Discount % for Product
When this is turned on a field allows you to set the max discount for the Product cost, any discount over the max will be displayed in red on the Presentation layer
When this is turned off your reps can enter a discount in any amount for the Product cost

Max Discount % for Labor
When this is turned on a field allows you to set the max discount for the Installation cost, any discount over the max will be displayed in red on the Presentation layer
When this is turned off your reps can enter a discount in any amount for the Installation cost



If you already have discounts set up, they will appear in a chart including the Description, Type, and Value. Hovering over a line item will reveal a menu button to the left that you can select to Edit, Move, or Delete a Discount.

To create a new discount click Add Discount at the bottom of the page.

When Editing or Creating a discount, you can configure the following values:

This will the the name of the discount and will be visible during presentation when applied to an offer

Selecting Project will discount the total Project cost
Selecting Product will discount the Product cost
Selecting Labor will discount the Labor cost

Selecting Percentage will discount by a percentage amount
Selecting Cash will discount by a dollar amount

Selecting Flat will simply discount the Project, Product, or Labor
Selecting By Unit will allow your rep to enter the number of product units during the presentation, and will apply the discount to each unit

Apply Globally
When this is turned on the discount will be accessible on all of your Offers
When this is turned off the discount will only be accessible on Offers you add it to

Starts Enabled
When this is turned on the discount will automatically be applied on the Offers it is a part of
When this is turned off the discount can be turned on and off by your rep during presentation

Rep Can Enable and Disable
When this is turned on the discount can be turned on and off by your rep during presentation

Rep Can Change Name
When this is turned on the discount can be renamed by your rep during presentation

Rep Can Change Value
When this is turned on the discount value can be altered by your rep during presentation

Counts Towards Rep's Total Discount
When presenting in the home, your rep has a view that takes into account discounts to help them keep track of how much they are lowering the total payment for your customers

When this is turned on this discount will be factored into the total discount
When this is turned off this discount will not be factored into the total discount

If you have set a Max Discount % and your rep applies more discounts than permitted, the rep view discount tracker will turn red



The Financing Table Display will pop up when the presenter goes to select from different payment plans, and can include the following values:

Monthly Payments
Dealer Cost
Plan Code

Turn these on to see them when viewing the financing table, or off to keep them out of sight


Use Categories to organize your payment plan options. You might name your categories to reflect the different financing companies you use, or to delineate different payment plan types.

Hovering over a Category name will reveal a menu button to the left that you can click to Edit, Move, or Delete a Category.

To create a new Category click Add Category at the bottom of the page, add your Category name, and click Add Category in the pop up.


Hovering over an Option name will reveal a menu button to the left that you can select to Edit, Move, or Delete an Option.

To create a new Option click Add Option within the desired Category.

When Editing or Creating an Option, you can configure the following values:

Plan Description
This is the name of your plan and will be visible in the presentation when applied to an offer

Details will appear in the presentation below the Plan Description, and can be used to include clarifying information, like fine print that's not too fine

Calculate Monthly Payment As
Selecting Term & Rate will present fields to include the loan's term in months and APR, and will present monthly payments calculated with these numbers
Selecting Payment Factor will present a field to include the loan's payment factor, and will present monthly payments calculated with these numbers
Selecting Custom Value will allow you to enter any value for the monthly payments, and the Price Presentation Page will not run any calculations

Plan Code
This is an optional field to include a plan code to reference the offerings supplied by your financing partners

Dealer Cost
Include any costs incurred to your business by offering the financing plan for it to be calculated in the Rep's Total Discount


To upload an entire Category of payment Options at a time, click Paste CSV

Be sure that your CSV (Comma Separated Values) follow this format: Title, Description, Term, Interest Rate, Payment Factor, Dealer Fee, Plan Code, Custom Payment


The Price Presentation Page allows you to present up to three offers on the same project

In the upper right corner of each offer is a menu button that you can click to Edit, Move, or Delete an Offer

To create a new Offer click Add Offer at the bottom of the page

When Editing or Creating an Offer, you can configure the following values:

Give your Offer a descriptive Title that will appear at the top of the Offer Tile

Use the Subtitle to provide any clarifying details like "Good for 30 Days" or "Schedule Today Incentive"

Use the drop down menu to turn on any Discounts you'd like to be able to apply on this Offer

Financing Type
Selecting No Financing will make this offer show only the Project Cost, without any payment options to choose from
Selecting Estimated Range will present fields to include a low and high percentage for estimated monthly payments so you can give your customer an idea of what financing this project might look like without getting into the details
Selecting Financing Options will allow you to include any/all of the financing options you set up in the previous section

Financing Button Title (configurable only with Financing Options as selected Financing Type)
When working with more than one payment option on an Offer Tile there is a button to reveal the Financing Table Display, name this button here

Financing Options (configurable only with Financing Options as selected Financing Type)
Use the drop down menu to turn on any payment options you'd like to be able to apply on this offer

Sample Option #1 (configurable only with Financing Options as selected Financing Type)
Optional: Use the drop down menu to select the default payment option to appear when presenting this offer

Sample Option #2 (configurable only with Financing Options as selected Financing Type)
Optional: Use the drop down menu to select a second payment option to appear when presenting this offer

Rep Can Hide/Show This Offer
When this is turned on the presenter can turn this Offer on and off during the presentation to control when Offers are revealed during the presentation
When this is turned off this offer will either show by default (see below) or will not show at all, the presenter will have no control over the presentation of this offer

Show By Default
When this is turned on this Offer will automatically be on the page while presenting
When this is turned off this Offer will need to be able to be turned on (see above) by the presenter in order to reveal the Offer to the customer

Hide Final Price
When this is turned on the project total will not appear on this offer tile
When this is turned on the project total will appear on this offer tile

Presenting Price with the Price Presentation Page

When presenting price with the Price Presentation Page there are two layers, the Rep Dashboard and the Presentation with Offer Tiles

To present price using the Price Presentation Page:

  1. Click Pricing in the upper right corner to access the following fields
    1. Project Cost OR Product & Installation Costs
    2. Deposit
  2. Click Done in the upper right corner of the pop up to save the Pricing details
  3. Click the "..." Menu button in the upper right corner to access the Rep Dashboard to turn on Offers and Discounts
  4. On an Offer that includes more than one payment option, blue clickable text will appear at the bottom of the Offer Tile (this text is customized in the Financing Button Title) click this text to select from different payment options
  5. In the pop up, click the payment option you'd like to use to reveal monthly payments for the offer, and click Done