
Preparing a PowerPoint for importing into Ingage with a Reserve Area

Apply a Reserve Area guide to all pages in a PowerPoint document to ensure content isn't cut-off

Note: recommended for PowerPoint files in a 4:3 format. 

To apply a Safe Area guide to all pages in a PowerPoint document

  1. Open the presentation in PowerPoint.
  2. In the Ribbon, select the View tab, then click Slide Master.
  3. With the Slide Master open, control+click (or right-click) anywhere in the page and select Guides > Add Horizontal Guide.
  4. Select the guide and move it down the page until it reads 3.0
  5. In the Ribbon, in the Slide Master tab, click Close Master.

The Reserve Area guide should now be displayed on all pages in the PowerPoint presentation. Review your slides to ensure none of your content would be cut-off. Now you can bring in your PowerPoint slides into Ingage on iPad or Desktop.